Hi, I’m Kamar.

I spent my early years in Pune, India, immersed in a rich culture, but surrounded by all sorts of economic and environmental problems I could not grasp at the time.

When I returned to the United States, it was like the world had turned upside-down. India’s climate, crowds, food, culture and so much more were non existent in the U.S.

I wondered — why were they so different?

As I got older, I began to understand the mutually exclusive issues both countries faced, and why the two were so different. During this time, I also began to develop a profound interest in solving societal problems I saw around me.

This is where I was introduced to the concept entrepreneurship, and I fell in love with it. More specifically, the concept of how I could help others express their passion to solve a problem in the world, no matter how big or small. I was only 14, but I became obsessed with learning the art of effective marketing.

This idea of unconditionally serving others and their passions through marketing led me to team up with two other like minded individuals, and publish a book as a co-editor called “An 18 Year Old’s Guide to Self Mastery.” It is currently endorsed by one of my all time business heroes — bestselling author Ken Blanchard.

I am now attending Bowdoin College as a sophomore, and expressing my passion to help others with my advertising agency I have been running for over three years.